Rubbing by
Date of rubbing
14 JUNE, 2020
Plant name
RED RIVER GUM? (not sure)

Significance of tree
We have lived in Ngunnawal for over twenty years and my husband and I have raised three daughters here. This gum tree is growing right next to the bus stop that my girls have waited at throughout their school lives here in Ngunnawal. My husband has also stood at this bus stop on his way to work in Civic. So this tree has seen me & my family going places for the past 20 years. I feel a kinship with this tree as it has watched over us for so long. Our daughters are now grown & have moved to different parts of Canberra. My husband and I walk past the tree still on our walks & we give it a pat and acknowledge her presence.
Amagula Ave, Ngunnawal ACT (at bus stop just before Faggerty St)